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ExMesh Adds SR2 Gate

Last updated: Thursday, February 15, 2018 - Save & Share

A Hartlepool metal mesh manufacturer has bolstered its offering to the physical and perimeter security sector with the introduction of a new high security gate solution.

The Expanded Metal Company has added a new SR2 gate system to its ExMesh range of security products.

The new gate has been certified to Loss Prevention Standard (LPS) Security Rating (SR) 2: Issue 7, meaning that it can resist attack from attempts at forced entry with tools including bolt cutters, hacksaws, drills and claw hammers.

It has been developed to offer a flexible, certified and physically robust access solution for at-risk buildings and sites, and offers one of the largest security rated opening options available, enabling two lanes of through traffic to move through a perimeter.

The ExMesh SR2 gate offers pedestrian access ranging from 800mm to 2m wide and vehicle access ranging from 2m to 12m wide.

Both pedestrian and vehicle gate options open 180˚ for inward and outward use and are available at heights of 2.4m and 3m. They can be fitted with toppings such as anti-climb measures and have anti-climb flats and anti-lift brackets, plus inverted hinges, as standard.

The system complements the ExMesh SR2 range of fencing products and its introduction follows last year’s launch of an SR3 gate.

ExMesh product manager George Hutchinson said: “More and more operators of at-risk facilities – including utilities sites and Government infrastructure – are looking to certified solutions as a means of enhancing their perimeter security measures. Our SR2 gate system can therefore play an important part in meeting market demand for enhanced physical security.”


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